
Wild giga base dmg
Wild giga base dmg

wild giga base dmg

if the giga you are riding becomes enraged, it will force dismount you and will most likely kill you I'm more than happy to address any further misconceptions anyone wants to bring to my attention.Ī lot of people seem to not know how this works so I'll just touch on the basics here to help clear things up. They will not wake up unless the torpor hits zero. This was the case back when gigas were first implemented, but was changed fairly soon after they were released. I'll get into this more later.Ģ."If it gets below half torpor it can randomly wake up"-Bob from the BeachĪlso false. Sure, they have a short torpor depletion time, but that doesn't mean that you have to babysit it. I'm more than happy to add to this section if anyone has any other myths they'd like me to debunk here.ġ."You have to be in its inventory for the whole tame, constantly feeding it narcotic or it will wake up" -Thatch-hut Joe Just going to go over the most common ones I see almost constantly. I'm just going to go over some stuff that I see people get confused about or spew a bunch of just flat wrong nonsense about all the time. I've since gone in and rewritten that section of the giga wiki entry and removed the part I'm referring to, but the gist of it was that it's a job for a half dozen people and that you have to have someone in the giga's inventory for the entirety of the tame to continually feed it narcotic as well as some other hyperbolic nonsense. I know how misleading that bunch of over-hyped bs was. I read the wiki article on gigas before taming my first one, too. It's infuriating to see, so I'm going to try to clear some things up.įirst off, no offense intended to those of you who this post is directed at. I see people talking about taming gigas all the time and it seems that the vast majority of the time, people are spreading flat wrong/outdated information.

Wild giga base dmg